Blake Templeton

Owner and CEO of Boron Capital
Blake is the owner and CEO of Boron Capital, a real estate investment firm that, since its founding in 2006, has experienced exponential growth every year, and is highly successful in producing substantial returns, despite downturns in the market such as the recession of 2008. Boron invests predominantly in general and specific housing needs, including apartments, multi-family, corporate housing, hotels, and assisted living communities, and provides internal management of such property types.
Boron’s successes are a reflection of the passion, purpose, and tenacity of its founder. Due to his hard-earned experience and thirst for life, Blake has become a sought-after speaker on business and life, and has been featured in BusinessWeek, CNBC, Reuters, and Yahoo Finance, among others, as a financial expert and has been a regular radio guest for executives, consulting them on their investments.
Beyond business, Blake’s passion is helping people soar past barriers that hold them back and seize the destiny that God has for them. Blake has lead people from ADHD to engaged focus, from bi-polarity to consistent joy, from erratic behavior, to reliability, from hopeless marriages on the verge of divorce to marriages of passion and sincere love. Blake has transformed the lives of CEO’s and business owners by not only helping them focus on what needs to change, but empowering them internally with the resources it takes to change them. These transformations have both added zeros to their bottom lines as well as peace of mind and enjoyment to their personal lives. Blake is a passionate Christian and believes that the Bible’s teachings are the most flawless spiritual teachings congruent with anyone who doesn’t want to settle, but wants to go after the things that really matter in life, experiencing the most delectable marriage imaginable, the most thrilling purpose of all, and an engagement with life that doesn’t age. A life of passion and purpose, wholly committed to love. Coming into contact with the God of the Bible is what changed Blake’s life from being selfishly motivated to rightly motivated.
Hear Blake's Story